If you want to follow someone who success in online bussiness then Naveen Jain is the right person. He was included on Forbes 400 richest in America 2000 with net worth: $2,200 mil and also on Crunchbase Profile. Naveen Jain was born in India 1959, then immigrated to U.S. 1982. With his experience at Microsoft Corporation from June 1989 to March 1996 as a Program Manager, Naveen Jain then Naveen Jain was also inspired by the self-made success of businesspeople such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Through their example, Naveen Jain understood that success is simply not doled out; it must be earned through hard work, persistence, educational commitment, and even a little good luck and timing. Then Naveen Jain try to make his own business kingdom. After he left Microsoft for about 7 years, he starting with founding InfoSpace in March 1996. Then he was founding Intelius in January 2003.
As founder and CEO at Intelius he have a mission to empowers consumers with online information for personal protection and intelligent decisions. Through Intelius, Naveen Jain has helped to open doors for millions of Americans in background and criminal records search. Their customers use Intelius to make choices about people, businesses and assets. Ranked among the top 100 commerce sites on the Internet, Intelius offers products and services ranging from basic people search and list management to comprehensive HR background checks and one of the best identity theft protection products available. Before Intelius he was launched InfoSpace in March 1996 with the vision of delivering real-world information on the Internet - anytime, anywhere and on any device. InfoSpace is Internet content supplier provides horoscopes, stock quotes to AOL, Lycos, other Web sites. They see that content is important in a website especially when people want to find clear information. Their contents are various from entertainment contents to informational and news contents.
Naveen Jain Profile
Posted at Saturday, January 16, 2010Detailed TUT How to Make a Fake Program - Basic Fundamentals
Posted at Wednesday, January 13, 2010Detailed TUT How to Make a Fake Program - Basic Fundamentals
Warning: Image Heavy, linked directly to imageshack
Having trouble infecting victims?
Want to steal those Facebook/Hotmail/Runescape/WoW accounts?
Tired of editing images of programs in Photoshop to trick victims into downloading your keylogger?
Perfect, my HD tutorial will teach you all how to create a very simple fake program to bind your server to.
NOTE: This does not teach you how to code a program, it teaches you how to make good looking fake program. Easier to take screen shots to prove and bind your servers to this.
- A brain
- A computer
- Intended victims
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Download Here: Click Here
Step 1: Are you Stupid?
Install and Run Microsoft Visual Basic
Continue to Step 2
If you are stuck on this step, please do not read the rest of this tutorial.
Step 2: Start it!
Click "File"
Go to "New Project"
Select "Windows Form Application" from all the options provided
Continue to Step 3
If you are stuck on this step, please do not read the rest of this tutorial.
Step 3: Label it!
You will be presented with a blank, application template, with the name "Form 1"
- Go to the left side of the toolbar and drag out "Label" onto the blank form
- Left Click the Label and on the right hand bottom there should be a properties tab.
- Locate "Text"
- Left Click the box beside it with the words "Label1" edit that to the name of your program
- Scroll up locate "Font" and change the font to anything you like
- Click the form box
- On the left side look for "Text"
- Change this to the name you want for your program
Continue to Step 4
Image of how this all looks.
Step 4: Style it!
Now that you have labeled your form, lets style it.
- Go to google.com
- Search for a nice image
- Save the image
Now that we have that down lets import it.
- Select "PictureBox" in 'toolbox' on the left side
- Drag "PictureBox" over to your form
- Locate the word image on the right side "Properties" tab
- Click the blank space on right of the word "Image"
- You will be presented with a window "Select Resource"
- You will have 2 options
- Local Resource
- Project Resource file:
- Select Local Resource
- Select "Import"
- Locate the image you searched earlier
- Click OK to finish
- Your image has been imported!
Comment: How the image import looks.
Now that we have an image, and made it all fancy, its still kind of blank.
Lets add some username and password boxes.
- Locate "Textbox" in the 'Toolbox' on the left side (Hope you know where this is by now)
- Drag 2 "Textbox" over to your form
- Congratulations you just made 2 text boxes
- Now go back to Step 3, follow the steps to label the 2 text boxes
Comment: Here is an image of how it looks thus far
Perfect! We got some fake log in form. Oh yea, we need a Log In button.
- Locate "Button" in the 'Toolbox'
- Drag the "Button" to the form
- Go change the name to "Log In" or whatever you want
- Refer to step 3 if you don't know how to change the name of the Button, basically the same
- Refer to step 3 if you don't know how to change the name of the Button, basically the same
Perfect, we got a nice looking fake bot with a non working login form. Lets keep going. We need some functions, or else people won't download this :(
- Locate "Checkbox" from 'Toolbox'
- Drag it over to the form
- Now change the name of the checkbox to anything you want
- For the sake of this example I will name this "Collect Wood" and "Fish"
- For the sake of this example I will name this "Collect Wood" and "Fish"
Comment: Image of how it looks so far:
Awesome, we got functions rocking. The fake program is pretty much done.
Continue to Step 5.
Step 5: Publish It!
Now that you are satisfied with your fake program, locate on your right hand side a tab called Solution Explorer. On top of "Form1.vb" there is a "My Project", double click this.
You now see a new page with the following on the left side:
- Application
- Compile
- Debug
- References
- Resources
- Services
- Settings
- Signing
- My Extensions
- Security
- Publish
Presently, you are on Application, with options such as "Assembly Name" and "Icon:" as well as "Assembly Information"
- Assembly Name: Name of Published Program
- Icon: Select the icon for your program. (Google if you have no *.ico)
- Assembly Information: Self-Explanatory, edit accordingly.
Comment: Image of this
When you are done editing those, go to "Publish"
Select where you want to Publish and press "Publish Now"
Congratulations you are done creating your fake program!
End Product:
What Now?
Now you spread your virus.
First, bind your server to this fake program. For the sake of making it unsuspicious, you can crypt it with a crypter.
How to Hack Almost any Hotmail, Easily without Keylogging, in 24 hours.
Posted at Wednesday, January 13, 2010How to Hack Almost any Hotmail, Easily without Keylogging, in 24 hours.
This method is called Reverting, and you will be sending a form in to microsoft customer support to reset the password for your (or somebody elses) hotmail account.
For this method, it helps to know the person, even a little, but i'll still give you a step-by-step tut on how to find the information and fill out each part of the form.
Step 1: go here:
This is the form you will be filling out.
![[Image: 205dvz5.jpg]](http://i44.tinypic.com/205dvz5.jpg)
Step 2: Give them your victims full name.
Now, if you do not know their first name, try the following things to find it.
First, try using these two sites, simply enter their email and hit return.
if you want more, google their hotmail account(s), for example, type into google:
![[Image: 24gqfkk.jpg]](http://i39.tinypic.com/24gqfkk.jpg)
Include the quotes, cause this searches for only the hotmail account.
If you gain any results, it will most likely be forums or if you're lucky, social networking sites, that they have filled out their info on.
Go through these searches, and look at every one, even make a .txt file in notepad pasting down all the info you can on them.
Once you're done, if you havnt got their last name, keep reading..if you have, goto step 3.
Presuming you dont yet have their last name, try going to social networking sites, like:
Or any others you can think of, and search for their hotmail account using the websites search feature.
if you get any results, you're in luck, most of the time people include alot of information on themselves in there. Follow any leads you can find on the info, and even ask them or their friends (look up a tutorial on social engineering info out of people first, it will help).
Now another thing you can do is use http://www.whois.com IF your victim has their own website.
If you dont have it by now, maybe you should find an easier target, or if you're desperate, use this technique to hack one of their rl best friends, and alot of the time they have their full name assigned to your victims hotmail address, in their addressbook.
Or, I sometimes just say "I'm pretty sure I only put in my first name at registration, I'm paranoid like that" or something along those lines... It's worked for me.
BTW: This is called d0xing, or "documenting", basically harvesting info on people, it's completely legal as long as you get all your info from the public domain (forums, social networking sites etc).
Step 3: The e-mail address for us to send a response to.
simple, give them your email address... could use a fake one if you're paranoid (one you got access too), but i dont see any risk.
Step 4: Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you are inquiring about.
Here you put in your victims email address (the one you're trying to hack).
Step 5: Date of birth.
You can simply give them the year, if you dont know any further then that..but if you want to be on the safe side, read step 2, and use those techniques to find their date of birth.
Step 6: Country
If you dont know their country, which you probably should, use their IP address which you will have in one of the next steps to find it, by using
Step 7: State
same deal, use their IP addy if you dont know it already
Step 8: ZIP or postal code
Same deal again, it's usually correct if you use the IP addy...just use http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/
and find their town/suburb or whatever, and google the ZIP code for it.
Step 9: The secret answer to your question
simply put "i dont remember"
Step 10: Your alternate email address
for this, you just put in the email address you're trying to hack, you dont need their alternate email address.
Step 11: Your IP Address
Okay so here's probably the toughest one, but it's still easy. (NOTE: It's very hard to revert an account unless you successfully complete this step)
There's alot of ways to get their IP, i'll give you the easy ones.
Email: Get them to send you an email somehow, it doesnt matter how, you can just send an email saying:
"hey, how are you?" and they'll probably reply. Once you have their email (dont use old emails, please, everybody uses dynamic IP's these days)
right click on it, and click "view source", you will see something like this:
![[Image: 14n1qxi.jpg]](http://i42.tinypic.com/14n1qxi.jpg)
...now you want to find "X-Originating-IP: [XX.XXX.XX.XX]" That is their IP address.
Website: Go here http://www.reza24.com/ip and give them your nickname or whatever you want them to call you, and your email address, like this:
![[Image: 104hx5f.jpg]](http://i42.tinypic.com/104hx5f.jpg)
They will give you a URL, find a way to send that to your victim.
For example, for one of my victims, he said "ha i got 3 firewalls you cant hack me" so i told him to goto that URL if he's so safe, and i told him if he doesnt, he needs to grow some balls...lol he did :)
BTW, when they go there, it just says the webpage cant be found, and then you get an email from reza24 telling their IP :D
Full credit of this site goes to Raider, he did an awesome job :) he deserves some rep for it :P
MSN: if you can talk to them on msn, then you can get their IP that way too..there's two ways, either download a easy-to-use script, or do it manually with cmd,
i'll show you how to do it manually first.
Manually: Send them a file, or get them to send you a file.
"hey, i love that song, can you send me it?" or "omg, this is the funniest picture ever".
Before you start the transfer though, goto start > run (if you're using vista, just press the windows key) and type in cmd, and hit enter.
type in the following: netstat -n
and hit enter, it will show you a list of active connections to different IP's.
Remember or take a screenshot of those IP's, because once you start the transfer, type in netstat again while it's transferring and check for any new IP's, that is your victims IP.
With a script:
IF you have windows live messenger plus (probably the best WLM IMO), download this script:
It's called IP-Get, and will show you your current msn contacts IP addresses IF you're currently connected to them with a fileshare. It will also allow you to save the IP addresses, and look up their locations.
Here is a screenie of IP-get:
![[Image: 10ym7hi.jpg]](http://i40.tinypic.com/10ym7hi.jpg)
There are other ways, but surely, you should have been able to get their IP by now...if not, look up a tut on it, using the search feature.
Step 12: Your internet service provider
very easy to find, use their IP, either using the IP get script if you have it, or http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/
Step 13: The last date and time that you successfully signed in
Unless you know this as a fact, either take your best guess, say you dont remember, or yesterday.
Step 14: The names of any folders that you created in addition to the default folders
leave this blank, or say you dont know (unless you know this for a fact).
Step 15: Names of contacts in your hotmail address book
give them all the contacts you know are definately or most likely in there, including yourself, and even their other accounts (they might add themselves, everybody seems to). Also give them wilma@live.com and smarterchild@hotmail.com, as most people have them added.
Step 16: Subjects of any old mail that is in your inbox
okay just use common sense for this one, things to include are:
hey, how are you, RE:, FW:, admin, windows live, hotmail staff, recovery, registration, support, lol, password, comfirmation, noreply, delivery status notification (failure).
Also, if they are subscribed to any forums (like hackforums(but please dont hack other HF members :P)), social networking sites (like myspace, bebo) or online games (like RuneScape, WoW), then be sure to include them too.
Step 17: Names of contacts on your messenger contact list
If you happen to know any of their friends, this is where you put their display name...if you dont have them added, put their first names, and if you dont know them at all, just leave it blank, or say you dont remember.
Step 18: Your Messenger nickname
If you know it, put it in..if you dont, say "i cant remember it exactly" or leave it blank.
Step 19:
The rest you dont really need to worry about, except for in additional info, can put anything else that might make you sound more convincing..like:
"please do your best to recover my account, i dont want to go and have to add all my friends again, it'd be a great help if you got it back for me, thank you in advance."
obviously dont put exactly that, but you get the gist of it :)
Okay, i believe that is it, within 24 hours you will recieve an email from customer support, they will either give you a link to reset your (victims) password, or ask for you to send it again with more info, as an email reply..and in that case, you dont have much luck, cause they can just get your IP address from the email and know you're lying :) so try again, and hope you get a more gullible staff member. If you have firefox, click the spoiler.
Posted at Wednesday, January 13, 2010TELNET HACKING
Telnet is the basic hacking tool, which every hacker must know how to
use before he can even think about Hacking. It can be used to connect
to remote computers and to run commands by simply typing them in it's
window.Telnet does not use the resources of the client's computer but
uses the resources of the server to which the client has connected.
Basically it is a program that you will be using to connect to your
victim's computer. It just requires that you and your victim are both
conneced to the internet.
How can I connect to a remote computers using telnet?
Telnet can be started by going to start -> run and typing telnet Once
the Telnet windows pops up click on Connect->RemoteSystem then in the
host name type the host i.e. the IP address of the remote computer or
the website you want to connect to . Then in the Port select the port
you want to connect to . You can only connect to ports which are open
on the host computer.Almost always leave the TermType to vt100.We use
vt100 as it is compatible with most monitors . Then click connect and
you will be connected to the remote machine in some time.
The syntax of the telnet command from DOS prompt is
By default port is taken as 23. Scroll down and read more about ports
What is an IP Address?
Like in this world , everyone has a Home Address so that he can be
contacted on that address , similarly all computers connected to the
Internet are assigned a unique Internet Protocol or IP address which
can be used to contact that particular computer. An IP is simply the
address of a particular computer . Every computer connected to the
internet has a differnet IP address.
An IP address is of the form: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx .You can find your own
IP by going to start->run and typing winipcfg.If you need to connect
to a your friend's computer then you need the IP address of his
computer . There are many ways of finding out the IP address of a
person's computer without letting him know.
What exactly is a Port
There are two kinds of ports-Physical(HardWare) and Virtual(Software)
You may be thinking of ports to be the slots behind your CPU to which
you connect your Mouse or Keyboard or your monitor. These sockets are
called physical ports . We are here interested in only virtual ports.
It is nothing physical but it is kind of a virtual pipe through which
information can go in and out of the computer. A particular computer
can have a large number of ports. All ports are numbered .Now at each
port a particular service is running. A software which runs on a port
is called service . For interchanging different kinds of information
different ports are used. A typical list shows the various ports
Ping : 7
Systat : 11
Time : 13
NetStat : 15
SSH : 22
Telnet : 23
SMTP : 25
Whois : 43
Finger : 79
HTTP : 80
POP : 110
You can connect to a remote computer at a particular port. When you are
connected to that port then you can interchange information related to
that particular port only. Ports can be open or closed. If a particular
port of a computer is closed then you can not connect to that computer
on that port. Generally most of the computers have atleast 5 or 6 ports
Whats a Daemon?
A daemon is a program that runs at ports. You can consider it to be a
software that manages the flow of information through the port . All
the ports can have different daemon / services running on them
Port Scanning??
It is the first step in finding a hackable server running a daemon.
Like softwares can have bugs , similarly daemons can have a hole
or a vulnerability .A hacker can utilize this hole for his purpose.
Say you want to hack into someone's server , what do you do ? You
need the IP address of the computer you want to connect to . This
is the first basic step . Once you have the IP , you need to know
which port is open so that you can connect to it . Every port may
not be open so you need to find out a list of open ports which are
running a daemon.Once you have the list of open ports on the victims
computer then you can connect to any one of those ports .For this
purpose we have port scanners. You just need to feed the IP address
into the port scanner and it will give you the list of all the open
ports of that IP.Some port scanners,alongwith the list of open ports
also gives the service running on each port and its vulnerabilities.
Once you have got the list of open ports then connect to each of them
one by one and see what daemon or service they are running.
But one thing you need to be careful about before port scanning is
that most port scanners are very easily detected and can easily be
traced and you have no excuse if you are caught doing a port scan.
It a sure sign of Hacker Activity and if the host is running the
right kind of Sniffer software maybe Etherpeek then the Port scan
can be easily detected and the IP of the user logged . Once your
IP is logged then you can be easily traced thru you internet
service provider, so be careful with port scanning.
Picture Me Perfect for Invitations and Announcements
Posted at Tuesday, January 05, 2010Are you want to make invitations and announcements for all occasions? Look no further then Picture Me Perfect. Here you will pampered by many unique and pretty design for you invitations and announcements to choose from. Through site PictureMePerfect.com you can browse those designs or you can contact them to create a new design just for you. This website is dedicated to anyone who want to make your invitations and announcements online. You can see on the homepage Shop by Occasion and also on the homepage "Note Cards and More" for more details.
If you want to make placing order on-line, you can do it by email, through mail, or over the telephone. Whether you’ll be mailing your photograph or e-mailing it, you’re still welcome to order on-line and you don't have to wait until you have the perfect photo before ordering! You're welcome to submit your photo anytime after placing your order. PictureMePerfect.com provides services that enable you to publish your own design. With a design that is personal, unique and creative (can also be adjusted with the design of invitations or announcements) PictureMePerfect.com is able to give a different nuance for your relation.
Picture Me Perfect is a good reputation company was born since 1999 and although they based in Houston, Texas, but do work for customers across the country and occasionally beyond! They have mission that will provide customers with unique high quality announcements, invitations, cards and stationery at affordable prices in reasonable time frames. Picture Me Perfect guarantee it. If you have questions on how to place an order or sending your photos, you can contact them immediately and they will response as soon as possible. For more information don't hesitate to visit their site PictureMePerfect.com.
Clothing for Girls
Posted at Monday, January 04, 2010Looking clothing for girls online? If so, you may try surfing at ShopWiki.com. Here you will find huge directory of clothing for girls from many stores on the internet that crawling at ShopWiki.com like Google. At ShopWiki.com you will not confused because they offers surfing guide to the right choice suit your need. You can choose the clothing for your child without worry about wrong choice. Usually little ladies like girly clothing that make them look great. You can start surf here by follow two guides tailored to specific shopping needs: Casual Clothing for Girls and Dress Clothing for Girls.
For little ladies, clothing is about self expression, and they have a great time expressing themselves most of the time. You can choose them the clothes suit their need. Or you can give your child option to choose the clothes suit their own taste. In casual clothing for girls buying guide you will find Girls' Tops, Girls' Bottoms, Feeling Sporty, Dresses, and Accessories. Many popular styles available here, so your child will excited with many option for their clothes.
For dress clothing for girls buying guide you will find three basic options to choose off. You can also follow current trends such as Velvet, Lace, or Romantic touches such Bell sleeves, embroidery and bows. For the finishing touches you can choose the Hair Accessories, Dress Shoes, Purses, Tights, and Jewelry. If you need more information about clothing for girls don't hesitate to visit ShopWiki.com and get the right selection for your child here!