Orkut Tricks

Posted at Sunday, June 15, 2008

Orkut Tricks

No need to install Ny "greesymonkey" scripts.. it works well with all the browsers.

Requirements: for novice users..

1. Java Script enabled browser.
2. Activate the ACTIVEX controls if your browser asks for that.


1. Open the specified page in a NEW WINDOW/TAB.
2. Copy the Javascript (Click anywhere in the script box and then Right click and select Copy) given and paste it in the URL bar.
3. Paste your Java Script code in AddressBar (Replace with - www.Orkut.com)
4. Hit ENTER.
5. Follow the instructions given for each trick CAREFULLY.

***Unlimited Photos at Orkut

Orkut is the most popular social networking website, next only to myspace. In the orkut
profile the user can only upload 12 photos. But now you can show unlimited number of
photos using the Flickr RSS Feed option. However you can do so also with the
feed of Picasa. Actually this method can be used for any
image hosting service which supports RSS photo-feed.

The process if very simple ::

* In your orkut profile, on the left site, click on “edit feeds�.
* Now you will find a URL box, in which you have to enter the address of the RSS feed of your image hosting service like Flickr, Picasa etc.
* Make and find yours on your flickr home page.
* On Submitting and verifying the code, you will find your snaps on orkut.

If you find any problem while doing this then do leave a comment here, I will try to help you.

************************************* NEW******************************
* Adding images
Copy and paste urls ending in .jpg, .gif, .png or .bmp and the image will appear in the scrap.
for example, http://example.com/example.jpg

* Adding videos from YouTube and Google Video
Copy and paste the url and the video will appear in the scrap.
for example, http://youtube.com/watch?v=videoid
* Adding podcast/audio Copy and paste the url of an audio file and an audio player will appear in the scrap. for example, http://example.com/example.mp3
* Adding html-embeddable objects Create or upload your content at sites such as photobucket.com, imageshack.com, rockyou.com or slide.com. Copy and paste the html embed code to share it with your friends.

Trick Number Two "STAR"

Try ★ in your scrap book editor box above your Scraps and Write Your Message

Voila!! a STAR comes up Before ur Message. isnt it Cool

Drop in Your Comments Please

also see trick : 21
3 ) Secret Writings in Orkut

I came across the tip some time back which will allow you to write scraps in reverse order... more like mirror image llits quite common now but Still

write this code at the beginning of the scrap without quotes

4) Many of u Won't Know this :

You can see where all of your orkut friends are located by checking out the new "friends map" feature. This feature combines Google Maps and orkut profiles to let you see where all of your friends live around the world. To see the "friends map," just follow these steps:
1. Click the "view friends" link in the "my friends" box on your orkut homepage.
2. Click the "friends map" tab at the top of the page.
You can click on a friend’s profile picture to see their location on the map. Please know that if we don't have map data for a particular region or if your friend chose not to put their location in their orkut profile, you'll see a message "(not on map)" below their profile name.
You can also click on the "tiny little blue men" to see your friends' locations. By clicking on one of these figures, a bubble will pop open to let you know which friend lives in that location.

Trust me an Intellegent Feature of Orkut

While U are singned in at Orkut : click in The Link Below: its Gr8

Or copy and Paste the following in Your Address Bar


5)Watch the Pictures of ur Friends in Action:

copy and paste this code in your Scrapbook's Address Bar

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i

6) Blank Scrap

How to write blank scrap / blank post ?
If you like the service, please do refer your friends to use our free service by clicking HERE

For writing blank scrap, follow the steps:

1) Open any scrapbook.
2) Write [i] in the scrapbook.
3) Do NOT write anything else in the scrapbook, and submit the scrap.
That's all.
You can also use [b] tag instead of [i] tag
You can also use this method to post a blank entry in any community forum.

` You can try these various combinations also if u want to send a big no of invisible scraps, as after your few submissions it will start displaying the message "message sent too recently". So try these combinations out:


7) Colorful Scrap

For writing multi colored scrap, follow the steps:

1) Open any scrapbook.

2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.

3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
javascript:cor=new Array('aqua','blue','fuchsia','gold','gray','green','lime','maroon','navy','olive','orange','pink','purple','red','silver','teal','violet', 'yellow' );var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;y

4) Hit ENTER key .
5) Click on Submit

n ur scrap is now multicoloured

8) How to make your name invisible in your profile?

For making your name invisible follow the steps:
1) Click on edit profile
2) Type ALT + 0173 in your first name and last name. (i.e. Type 0173 while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard.)
3) Click on Update
8.1) Make your Picture invisible in your profile !

In MS Paint, create the smallest image possible and den upload it I.E. 1X1 pic!!
virtually unclickable ! n u are invisible now !!

9) Image Expander

To expand the display image of any profile

1) Open any profile whose display image you want to expand.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar

3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
10) Double the size of your Friends Image

Follow the steps:
1) Open any profile whose friends' images you wish to double.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar

3) Hit ENTER key

11) Image Roller

Follow the steps:
1) Open any page that contains images.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
javascript:R=-1;DI=document.images;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c){return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;DIS.position='absolute';DIS.left=A(0,7,300);DIS.top=A(1.6,6,150)}setInterval('R++;B(R%DIL)',15);void(0)

3) Hit ENTER key
12) Increase Fans ( Working Code ) Really Amazing

Follow the steps:

1) Create a fake account or simply login with ur friends Id.. and add yourself as a friend there.

2) Visit the FRIENDS page by logging into your just created fake account or the Friends account.

3) Point your cursor on the fan icon () beside your real profile. Note your status bar. It should be showing something like javascript:setKarma('FRUS*******/US*******'). Note the code FRUS******* and US******* somewhere. Now, click on the star so as to make your fake account a fan of your real account.

4) Copy the following code to your address bar (The location where you type http://www.orkut.com ). Replace FRUS******* and US******* in the following script with the one you noted in the above step.

javascript:function cmd(){window.location="/setkarma?cat=0&val=3&gid=FRUS*******/US*******";}void(setInterval(cmd,2000));

5) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard. The page will keep on reloading and your fans will keep on increasing with an approximate speed of 6 fans per second untl you close the window.

13) Mirror Links

These links if clicked redirects the person who clicked to his/her profile..
U can use these in Your Profile like :MY best frnd" and any one who clicks on these links u define will see hes/her own profile.

this will give out d profile:


this will give out the Album :


this will give out the Scrapbook :


14) Make ur Page Colorful

1) Open your scrapbook.

2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar
javascript: i=0;c=["red","green","blue","yellow","magenta","orange","black","white"]; a=document.links;setInterval('i++;a[i % document.links.length].style.color=c[i % c.length]',10);void(0);

3) Hit ENTER key

15) A Java Trick that Pops Message " Ur Account Is Hacked"

javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();

copy and paste d Above link On Address Bar.. n replace "luhaR" by ur own Name.. n send it to ur friends

Or u can Manually create Any kind of Alert Box by


copy and paste d above in the address Bar,

16) Watch the Pictures With a Snake Effect

javascript:R=-1;DI=document.images;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c){return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;DIS.position='absolute';DIS.left=A(0,7,300);DIS.top=A(1.6,6,150)}setInterval('R++;B(R%DIL)',15);void(0)

17) Negative Posts : u see the Posts in negative numbers

javascript:sar=document.getElementsByTagName('input');document.body.innerHTML+='';document.forms[1].target='NegFlood';omdt_lowposts=setInterval("sar['topicId'].value='';sar['commId'].value='';sar['messageId'].value='';submitForm(document.forms[1],'delete','')", 1000);void(0)

Note: You need to be the author/Creator of the topic in the Community to be able to use this .......

18) Try These Cool Font Generators : Its Easy

First Write Your Message in the Scrap Text Box . After you Are Done with typing your message
Simply Copy and Paste these Links In the Address Bar above the same page( scrapbook page )

javascript:var txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/A/gi,"Å");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/B/gi,"ß");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/C/gi,"©");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/D/gi,"�");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/E/gi,"Ë");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/F/gi,"ƒ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/i/gi,"î");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/s/gi,"§");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/o/gi,"ø");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/u/gi,"µ");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/r/gi,"®");void(0);

19 ) Lame trick to frustate someone:

just creeped to my mind so m sharin wid you.

The best link to setup as your homepage is https://www.orkut.com/GLogin.aspx?cmd=logout
When someone click on this the person will be logged out from his/her orkut session
20) Speed up Logging to Orkut.

Bookmark the following link and use it to login into orkut!


The above link directly opens orkut login box! So it is faster than normal orkut login.

21) Adding Special Symbols in Scraps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a much awaited trick on Orkut
very less users know about it
be d one n Impress ur friends !!

here it is

Press alt key and d following 4rm num pad ...

alt + 987 - â–ˆ
alt + 1 - ☺
alt + 2 - ☻
alt + 3 - ♥
alt + 4 - ♦
alt + 5 - ♣
alt + 6 - â™
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - â—˜
alt + 9 - â—‹

alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - �
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù

the same way many combinations can be tried..
keep trying it and do upload it here as comments

keep posting.
ADD urself as a Friend

· It is now possible to add urself but U cant accept that . Although u will see a friendship request on homepage from u only.

· Just Open http://www.orkut.com/Friends.aspx and run this script .This will redirect u to ur profile, now just click on home and see the magic.

· · Hit ENTER.

22) Crush List On Orkut!! full Explanation

Have you ever wondered how the Orkut "Add to my crush-list" option works?

Most of us are scared to add someone to our crush-list because of the fear that he/she will get a notification from Orkut that you have added him/her on your crush-list.

YES, they will get such a notification. But that is only if they too add you on their crush list. In fact, you both will get a message from Orkut if you both have added each other on your respective crush lists.

This is a fantastic piece of innovation from Orkut wherein one-side crushes will not be notified and if mutual crush exists, then both sides will come to know of it.

Spreading this information is important. It will help the cause of many people and who knows, you may be the lucky one too!!!

So start adding people to your crush-lists now and spreading this vital information!!!
View Friends Scrap more Than the Limit

Step1: Open Friends scrapbook
Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type www.mastitrain.com). You will see this address written
Step3: Add this code"&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address. It will look like this http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=12345678987654321&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30
30 over specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.

download from rapishare without typing the code
here is the link for tht software

hey guys now u can download rapidshare link without typing code it is working 100 % plz see it and plz reply here......

This is true i am not lying..............check it fast..

BSNL Phone No's Address.
Wanna know Address of the girl you like?, or address of your friend?. It is so easy to trace the addresses, just you need is their phone number.

EXAMPLE: For tracing the address of a number located in Madhya Pradesh (India) just log in to


After logging in, select the area (city) to which the phone number belong and then proceed further.

In the option "Search by" , select Telephone number. select the station to which the phone no. belongs and finally write the phone number in the "Search key field" . In this way the address of that particular number will be traced.

For selecting any other state of India, log on to http://www.bsnl.co.in/index.html . In the Right hand side you see the "BSNL units" option (above Username field), select your state from the menu and then proceed further.

NOTE : Try both, number including (2) as well as number excluding (2) as a prefix.

Download UNLIMITED from Rapidshare
1. Copy and paste this code :

@echo off
echo ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /flushdns
echo ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release
echo ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /renew

on your note pad or any other text editor

2. Save the file as : rapidshare.de.bat and leave it on your desktop

3. Every time you download from rapidshare double click on it!

note:it works only on dynamic ip

Have fun!

write scraps vertically
Write any text in the scrapbook and copy and paste the following script on address bar.

javascript:var a=gringo=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];a.value=a.value.replace(/|/g," \n ");void(0);javascript:cor=new Array('violet','red','orange','yellow','green','blue','navy','purple');var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,"§$1");txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi," ");for(y=0;yalue=txt.value.replace(/\§/,'['+cor[z]+']');z++;if(z==cor.length){z=0}}void(0)

Hit Enter.
You can see your text in vertical form with different colours.

Universal Magic Links
These are universal magical links. Whenever a person clicks on any of these, he will be redirected to his profile or album or scrapbook

Universal Profile

Universal Album


Universal Scrapbook


Auto add signature...
Auto add signature at the end of your community posts...

download link

this will work fine in community posts
LOLz.. righclick greasemonkey icon, click manage user scrips.. go to autosig, click edit.. it'll open in notepad.. edit d sig wid ur name..

