Enable Task Manager When is Disabled

Posted at Friday, May 16, 2008

Enable Task Manager When is Disabled

My task manager is disabled, how can i enable it?

Is your task manager disabled?

Then you find out the solution for enabling it.

Task manager is such an important tool in Windows XP Which describes the functions and applications running on your system which you can’t see.It is also helpful in terminating the process which is not responding. If such an important tool is disabled on your pc, Then don’t get frustrated. Here’s the solution for enabling it.

1. Click “START” button and go to “RUN” and type ‘regedit’

2. Registry window will be opened, Then Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->SOFTWARE-->MICROSOFT-->WINDOWS


3.Create a Key “System”

4.In System, create a new”DWORD”Value: Disable Task Mgr

5.Set the Data value to 0 to enable Task Mangaer.

If you were blocked from accessing the registry at the first point then try this

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Sometimes, a virus such Brontok variants could disable your built-in Windows registry editing tool, which is regedit. It might also because of limited account’s level access where you are only a normal user and not an administrator with full access of the system. Now, one simple way to indicate the problem is whenever you are trying to open the regedit program through “run”, you will get the following message:

“Registry Editing Has Been Disabled By Your Administrator”