DoS Tutorial

Posted at Sunday, November 09, 2008

DoS Tutorial

I………………………………………………….What is it?
II…………………………………………………How does it work?
III………………………………………………What will I need?
IV………………………………………………Common miss-understandings…

Section I:
What is it?

Well DoS (Denial of Service) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Trust me wikkipedia said it. In other words it is an attempt to make a site or service un-available or non-existent. There are a lot of DoS attempts on this site. It is generally easy to block if it is just one IP for example. But recently there have been a large group of people from all over the world that and all the genuine traffic on a Saturday evening will slow the servers.

Section II:
How does it work?

It works by sending lots of connection requests to a website or service. Then this means the server is over loaded and starts running slow. Therefore the real traffic cannot connect. This is by far the easiest attack you can do on a site. And there are many tools available to DoS an IP.

Section III:
What will I need?
You will either need programming knowledge suitable to program your own DoS attack OR one of these. Low Orbit Ion Cannon

Password: canvas

• NetBotAtt14En
• Click v2.2
• Spoofed IRC Nuker v1.3
• Hartz4Flooder v0.2
• Bitslap
• Crazyping v1.1
• Killme v1.0
• Bd0rk's DoS killer
• Krate port bomber
• Fed up v2.0
• Gimp
• Muerte v2.1
• Kaput v1.0 & beta v1.5
• Donut http flooder v1.4
• Blood lust
• Hospitables nuker v2.2
• Bitchslap v1.0
• Razors DoS tool v1.1
• Try2DdoS
• Firewall killer v1.3
• Death n destruction
• Assault v1.0
• NetBot Attacker v1.4 English
• Panteher v2.0
• Battle Pong
• Nemesy v1.3
• Meliksah nuke v2.5
• Inferno Nuker
• Rocket v1.0
• Igmp nuke v1.0

Section IV:
Common miss-understandings…
1) 32 bytes of data will not take down a website!
2) One computer is unlikely to have much effect on a server.
3) This does not work on Google
4) Or FBI main site